Saturday, December 4, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks

My favorite amusement park from the two articles would have to be Spreepark, Berlin, Germany. I would love to visit the park and take pictures because it just looks so creepy. My favorite picture is the roller coaster tracks going into the dragon mouth. That one really caught my eye. The little swan boats look like they would be really fun to be in. I wish I could just go there now and take pictures. It's so mysterious and haunted looking.

Other places like haunted houses, flower gardens, under the ocean, jungles or creeks would be others places photographers might want to take good pics.

Here is a picture of a dangerous cavern at the bottom of the sea taken by Wes Skiles.

There are so many different life forms in the ocean like colorful plants. It would be great to take pictures of beautiful fish like dolphins, seahorses, or even those really ugly, creepy looking fish that live deep into ocean. Taking pictures in the water would never get boring. It's like a whole new world in the sea. 

Just for me to do something like that would take a lot. First I would need a really amazing waterproof camera, I would need to find out the nicest place to take aquatic pictures, get the money to travel there, I would need a boat or someone to take me out into the ocean, I would need gear to protect myself in the water and money to go more interesting places.

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