Friday, November 19, 2010

Ethics in fashion photography

  • Lips were made more plump and thicker
  • Neck was made longer
  • Eyes were moved farther down
  • Neck was made skinnier
  • Eyes were enlarged
  • The whole lighting on her face changed
  • Cheek bones were made higher
2.  I think that it's just wrong to change a person's face like that just so it can be perfect. If the woman they used for the Ad wasn't pretty enough for them, why did they use her in the first place? Getting her photograph taken is suppose to be done to show the world her beauty and her facial features, not to show how perfect her face looks.

3. I think that is some ways it is acceptable to do this kind of manipulation. If someone were to change little details of a photo to make them look a little bit nicer I think that would be okay. Maybe changing the way someone's hair looks just a tad bit. Only to fix mistakes, but changing up someone's whole face just for an advertisement, that's fake and wrong to me.

4. I think little changes are okay. Fixing mistakes like hair being in a person's face or taking a picture and something accidentally was in the photo and then taking it out. That's seems pretty acceptable. What I think is not okay would be totally transforming the whole picture. If someone were to do that then what is the whole point of even taking the photo?

5. Photojournalism photography is all about taking photos and showing people you're talent and what you can do. Fashion photography is just all about how the person looks in the photo and being perfect. With Photojournalism photography nothing has to be perfect you can take pictures any way you like, it's true work of art.

6. Fashion Photography can be changed with PhotoShop to make the facial features totally different which isn't real at all. With Photojournalism photography you are using the original photo that you took.

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