Monday, October 25, 2010

American Soldier


A. The most powerful picture to me would be the photo of Ian and his friends on Ian's bed. It's a really powerful picture because it's emotional how they are all crying together.

B. The most power sequence of photos is "Signing up" because is shows Ian growing up into a man, going off to the army and saying his goodbyes.

C. The images are all in order and they show you what an American soldier went through.


A.  Present tense

B. They enhance the photographs by helping the viewer understand the situation more.


Chapter 1: Signing Up, picture 2
Jeromy sits with his two best friends Lisa(left) and Mike(right) while they have their first high school assembly of the year about the school's dress code.

Chapter 4: First Assignment, picture 4
Alex gets his first tattoo in the local tattoo parlor with all his friends watching.

Chapter 8: Coming Home, picture 26
Greg walks to his car in the airport parking lot with his mother Abigale and his girlfriend Jessica. 


A. The other features on the website help the viewers understand more about Ian's life and what he had to go through.

B. Videos are so much better than photographs because you can get more information then just looking at a picture with a little caption. It doesn't really say a lot. When I was looking at the pictures in Chapter 9 I didn't really understand why Ian was holding a bottle of pills but when I watched the video for Chapter 9 I realized they were for his broken ankle.

C. Photographs are better than videos because you can capture Ian's emotions. The videos are just Ian talking about what he went through. In Chapter 5 there is a picture of Ian and his friends hugging and crying, but in the Chapter 5 video Ian doesn't talk about his emotions.

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