Friday, May 6, 2011

Action Shoot Final

Photo 1
The frisbee is soaring through the big blue sky near the Akins track. It was very windy and cloudy that day.

Photo 2
The silver car passes by Akins Highschool very fast. The man driving the car seemed angry.

Photo 3
Luis charges to the end of the driveway in front of the Akins cafeteria. He was actually feeling very sick that day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Architecture Preview

1. Detail: This photo demonstrates detail because the photo is only showing a part of the structure. The photographer obviously had to get very close to take this picture so the detail was easier to see.  

2. Light: This photo shows the way the light is moving through the cabin. You can see all the parts of the building that are lighted up by artificial lights.

3. Patterns: This is definitely a pattern because the buildings are being repeated. 

Walt Disney Concert Hall Architecture_4
4. Angles and Shapes: There are lots of angles, curves and triangular shapes in this building.

5. Surroundings: This building definitely has a setting. I'm guessing this is a hotel or resort.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Architecture Preview

Burj Al Arab
1. Architect: Atkins
2. When was it built? 1994
3. Location: Dubai, UAE
4. It is a luxury hotel.
5. $650 million to build.
6. It was built to resemble the sail of a dhow.
7. I picked this building because even though it's a hotel it doesn't look like it. I like how it was built on a little island. I also like the way it lights up at night. It's cool how the building is built to resemble a sail boat. The fact that the building is in Dubai interested me the most.

Cubic Houses
1. Architect: Piet Blom
2. Built in 1984
3. Location: Rotterdam, Nertherlands
4. These are private homes.
5. $30 million to build.
6. Built for show and of course for people to rent out or buy.
7. I picked this building because It's very modern and unique. It makes me wonder what it looks like inside because of the way the cubic houses were built. I like how they are actual houses that you can live in and not just buildings to look at.
Nord LB building
1. Architect: Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner
 2. Built in 2002
3. Location: Hannover, Germany
4. Made to house the staff of the bank.
5. Cost to build: $30 million
6. The building was designed to suit the eco-friendly environment reducing carbon dioxide emissions and optimizing the use of natural daylight.
7. I picked this building because it looks like it's going to collapse. The building is very strange. The way it was built looks like legos stacked on top of each other. It's very random.

Habitat 67
1. Architect: Moshe Safdie
2. Built in 1967.
3. Montreal, Canada
4. Private homes.
5. Cost to build: $22,195,920
6. It's a housing complex.
7. I liked how the each housing complex looks like its stacked on top of another one. It's very hard to look at and I like how is gives me a headache. This architect looks like it was hard to build. It must have took forever.

Eden Project
1. Architect: Nicholas Grimshaw
2. Built in 2001
3. Location: United Kingdom
4. Open to the public
5. Cost to build: 86 million
6. It's the world's largest greenhouse.
7. I picked the Eden Project because it's a humongous greenhouse. I'd actually like to visit it someday and see all the pretty flowers. I wanna see all the different kinds of plants that have been planted there.

Writing a news lead

First Article

Who: Two orphan brothers
What: Their parents were executed
When: 1953
Where: In America
Why: They were said to be Soviet Union spys
How: Someone claimed that their parents gave the Soviet Union secrets about atomic bombs.

Lead: They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.

New Lead: The Rosenburg orphans were very famous during the cold war. In 1953 their parents were executed after being claimed spys.

Second Article

Who: Action Comics No. 1

What: Lots of people want it.

When: Feb. 27th 2009

Where: Over the internet.

Why: It's untouched.

How: It has been hidden away for years.

Lead: After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday.

New Lead: "Action Comics No. 1" comic book has been hidden away for years, but now it's making a comeback to the tune of about $400,000.