Friday, May 6, 2011

Action Shoot Final

Photo 1
The frisbee is soaring through the big blue sky near the Akins track. It was very windy and cloudy that day.

Photo 2
The silver car passes by Akins Highschool very fast. The man driving the car seemed angry.

Photo 3
Luis charges to the end of the driveway in front of the Akins cafeteria. He was actually feeling very sick that day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Architecture Preview

1. Detail: This photo demonstrates detail because the photo is only showing a part of the structure. The photographer obviously had to get very close to take this picture so the detail was easier to see.  

2. Light: This photo shows the way the light is moving through the cabin. You can see all the parts of the building that are lighted up by artificial lights.

3. Patterns: This is definitely a pattern because the buildings are being repeated. 

Walt Disney Concert Hall Architecture_4
4. Angles and Shapes: There are lots of angles, curves and triangular shapes in this building.

5. Surroundings: This building definitely has a setting. I'm guessing this is a hotel or resort.